Meet the Artisans


Genocide Survivors

Quality essential oils strengthening agribusiness and holistically transforming Genocide-surviving communities.

Thistle Farms Essential Oil Bug Spray Essential Oil Bug Spray
Essential Oil Bug Spray
Sale priceFrom $8

Ikirezi Natural Products is a community-interest business that produces high-quality essential oils for local and international markets.

Their vision is to be a leading supplier of essential oils and other natural plant products that maximizes profits to small farmers, holistically transforms communities, and strengthens agri-business in Rwanda.

Ikirezi works primarily with widows and adult orphans from the genocide through holistic efforts to restore dignity, improving livelihoods, and rebuilding communities. An organic agribusiness, Ikirezi produces high-quality, organic essential oils which Thistle Farms proudly blends into their Natural Bug Spray and select Healing Oils.