Meet the Artisans

Not I But We

South Africa
Survivors of Trafficking and Exploitation

Accessories that help trafficking survivors stitch their lives back together.

Bloom Scrunchie Bloom Scrunchie
Bloom Scrunchie Made in South Africa by Not I But We
Sale price$7
Burst Scrunchie Burst Scrunchie
Harvest Scrunchie Harvest Scrunchie
Abundance Scrunchie Abundance Scrunchie
Aquamarine Ribbed Mockneck Knit Top Aquamarine Ribbed Mockneck Knit Top
Aquamarine Ribbed Wide Leg Knit Pant Aquamarine Ribbed Wide Leg Knit Pant
Winter Floral Scrunchie Winter Floral Scrunchie
Cross Body Bag Cross Body Bag
Navy Vine Scrunchie Navy Vine Scrunchie

Drawing on the Ubuntu philosophy of our inextricable interconnectedness - “I am because we are”- Not I But We seeks to create space for survivors to dream again. 

By working alongside residential and reintegration programs, Not I But We creates meaningful employment for survivors of trafficking in a trauma-informed social enterprise. 

Economic justice is a crucial piece in the restoration process. With high statistics of gender based violence and a 50% unemployment rate in South Africa, the vulnerability of poverty creates a heighten risk exploitative cycles. Not I But We seeks to break the cycle of exploitation and provide the necessary tools for survivors to rewrite their story.
