
For over 26 years, Thistle Farms has worked to change the way people see, understand, and support systems that exploit women - including addiction, incarceration, poverty, and trafficking.

A Note from Tasha

Dear Friends,

Here at Thistle Farms, we believe that everyone deserves a second opportunity - and a third and fourth - to be loved and have support as they step into a life ripe with opportunity. Our programs support women as they break free from a life not meant for them.

As you'll come to learn in the pages of this Annual Report, the statistics of human trafficking and prostitution are largely unknown, disturbing, and staggering. But between those data points are stories and experiences of real people that are profoundly moving.

We are grateful for your continued support of our mission, programs, and justice enterprise operations. Your gift of time, financial support, mentorship, and community building lights the way for the women still searching for a way home and ensures the sustainability of our programs.

In gratitude,

- Tasha Kennard, CEO

2022 - 2023

Annual Report

From the alleys and streets, to the committee hearings and court rooms, in all the gaps and broken systems, here's how we've worked to:

House. Heal. Employ. Respond.

In the past fiscal year, we:

  • Provided 9,947 nights of safe housing
  • Employed 69 graduates and current residents in our justice enterprise in Nashville, and more than 1,390 more around the world in our Shared Trade network
  • Held 470 psychoeducational classes for survivors in our two-year residential program
  • Celebrated 21 women graduating from our Job Readiness program
  • Poured 49,509 candles to light the way home for the next woman

Audited Financial Statements

2021 - 2022
2020 - 2021

Donor Privacy Policy

We collect, use and disclose a donor’s personal information only for specific internal use. This includes: establishing and managing a relationship with a donor, providing information on Thistle Farms news and events, soliciting funds that help us reach our financial goals, and processing gifts and returning appropriate receipts.

To publicly recognize and thank them for their generosity, we occasionally publish the names of our donors. All who wish to remain anonymous will be honored. Individuals who donate or volunteer their time to Thistle Farms and share with us their personal information may be added to future mailing lists, including an email list for our monthly newsletter.

We will not sell, share, or trade our donors' names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations. This policy applies to all information received by Thistle Farms, both online and offline, on any Platform ("Platform", includes the Shopify, Kindful, and Square as well as mobile applications), and any electronic, written, or oral communications.

To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.