Meet the Artisans

Tierra & Lava

Guatemala | USA

Tierra & Lava in Guatemala uses beauty infused with Mayan ingredients as a bridge between economic empowerment & cultural preservation for smallholder farmers in Guatemala and conscious consumers around the world.

MISSION Tierra & Lava is a beauty brand infused with ancient Mayan healing knowledge. As an all women-owned and women-run business, Tierra & Lava is dedicated to providing Guatemalan women with a living wage and opportunities for economic empowerment. This effort helps to combat economic exclusion and gender inequality in a region where these issues are deeply entrenched.

HISTORY Founder Lucy Ashman started her career in the eco-tourism industry which was her way of being able to invest the results of her education in Belize where she grew up rather than be part of the brain drain issue which was the situation at the time. She was passionate about nature’s ‘pharmacy’ all of her life and intrigued by how ancient cultures - and especially the Maya - understood and used the medicinal value of natural resources. It is just as important to Lucy that science supports this in order to give customers the best possible results.
