Love heals

Helping women survivors overcome and heal from systems of prostitution and exploitation.

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Our social enterprises fund our mission and create meaningful employment for women survivors.

Becca smiling holding a microphone in front of a group of women

June 23-26

Revolutionary Love Conference

Three days of learning, community, and reflecting on what it means to demonstrate Revolutionary Love when working with survivors.

Heal. House. Employ. Advocate.

Your support helps create sanctuary and healing for women survivors of prostitution and exploitation.

  • 2 Years of Free Housing
  • Healthcare and Trauma Therapy
  • Meaningful Employment
  • Advocacy and Public Policy Initiatives

Addressing sexual exploitation, trafficking, and extreme poverty through an aligned network and marketplace of social justice enterprises.

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Community is the Oldest Form of Healing in the World

Together, we heal and rise up against systems that commoditize, criminalize, and exploit women.


Give the gift of a second chance at life.


News & Events

Revolutionary Love Conference

Engage with a diverse tapestry of informational panels and discussions, focusing on critical pillars of Housing, Healing, Employment, and Response. Together, we'll explore what Revolutionary Love truly means and how it can transform our world.

Revolutionary Love Conference

June 23-26